Hi everyone , my name is Pushkin. That’s my mistress at age 5. She’s getting off a plane in Denmark along with other passengers. Her father hijacked the plane to get out of Stalin controlled Poland. 

Cats Talk Spirit

Here’s my mistress in a college photo. Her name is Yolande Suzin. She doesn’t know it but she’s destined to have spirits go after her later in life. This photo is from the early 60’s. It wasn’t till the late 90’s that the spirit world made a serious attempt at going after her. A window was opened; no one is completely sure if it was on purpose or random.  In the late 90’s all hell broke loose. Ed & Lorraine Warren were called in to help. 

The haunting was terrifying. The concept of terror will be discussed and presented in the story so its better understood. As a cat I was terrorized which upset my mistress terribly. 

When a devil is present it will sometimes be captured on film as you see the huge pale shape on the right. I’m staring at it wondering if it’s about to come into the house. 


The three people responsible for getting Ed and Lorraine Warren involved. Physician on the left and two nurses on the right. 


As in all things business is business. The Warrens had just returned from having signed a contract with Warner Bros out in LA. They were flush with cash so to speak. They didn’t feel they needed to get involved with our case since it wasn’t violent enough to warrant a lot of publicity. Ed resisted helping while Lorraine and the nurse pushed to get involved. They knew without Church cooperation the situation would worsen. Finally Ed and Lorraine relented and gave the nurse and physician the name of their church contact.  

The physician is seen here trying to convince Ed & Lorraine that my mistresses physical condition was deteriorating. She was beginning to present with serious symptoms of lack of sleep. 

First a house blessing was done. This is normal church protocol when someone is complaining of hostile spirit activity. Secondly a prayer of Deliverance is performed, generally in a church or chapel. Only after these have been done is a decision made whether to use prayers that are imprecatory in nature. 

Since as we go through the story many technical theological points are brought up. People accustomed to translating spirit behavior their own way will find it confusing. If you have questions please be patient I’ll try to answer your questions. If you want to help please subscribe and perhaps donate. 



Stamford, Connecticut